Friday, December 18, 2009

Posting to the near future.


This blog has been neglected. Yes, I know. And each night when I have a little bit of extra time after the craziness of the day I think ok I should really post a little something on the blog. It has been a journal of sorts for me and I really don't like to neglect it. And I like to tell myself that there are still a handful of folks who actually still read it. (So what if they are all related to me... it still counts right?)
So obviously most nights that never happens. Nothing gets updated. Because if it did then there would be a whole lot more posts and you wouldn't be able to scroll down the blog page and STILL see pictures from five months ago when we came home from Korea. Nope.

Some nights I do get online and check and respond to email or order curriculum and Christmas presents (can you tell what I've been doing lately?) But most nights I am just plain worn out from the going going all day and I just crash.

And you know what?

It's ok!

I love that others follow this blog, but when I start feeling guilty because I haven't posted in a week or two... I need to check my motives. Am I blogging for others' praise and so I get the glory for being some great writer or photographer or whatever? I hope not.

I started this blog as a place to record my thoughts and experiences as a follower of Christ. As a place to make known all of the things He is doing not only in my life but in the world. I wanted it to be a place to share about missions and the persecuted church and the plight of orphans and the journey of adoption and homeschooling and parenting and photography and just plain life as a believer.

But somewhere along the way I may have forgotten that reason.

I have so much to share, but instead of writing about it, I end up posting a few pictures and adding a little commentary about it. I spend all of my time just working on the darn pictures! DOn't get me wrong. I love taking pictures. I don't think I could ever post without having atleast one picture in it. It is a new passion I have! But I would love to get back to "Making Him Known" through this blog... whether that is through words written or pictures that reflect the beauty in what HE has created and done in our lives.

That is my new goal.

Call it an early New Years resolution or something like that.


And hopefully soon I can come back and write about what the Lord is doing around here. Because He has been at work. I just have been a slacker in recording it!

And don't worry. If the only reason you follow this blog is purely to see pictures of our beautiful Korean princess... you still might be in luck.

Because, c'mon how can I NOT want to share even a few of this precious gift of God?



It's hard to believe that a year ago we had no idea who this sweet little thing was and even still, I missed her soooo much at Christmas time.

Praise the Lord that she is here and celebrating the coming of the Messiah with her forever family!


I'll be back soon!!! ;-)


Mo said...

I look forward to your blogging. We are traveling next week so in the coming months I may be contacting you with some preemie questions. Only God knows what we are in for with our little guy. I look forward to following your blog and talking soon.

Also, your family is beautiful and your princess is adorable.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I'm not family and I follow your blog! :) I look forward to hearing what God's been doing in your life :) but I totally know how the whole being exhausted and not updating the blog thing goes!
(adopting from Korea)

Lucky Mama said...

I'm reading! I love knowing that your sweet baby girl is doing well. Keep writing!

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